Sunday, September 22, 2013

For Everything There is a Season

For everything there is a season, and a time for every matter under heaven: a time to be born, and a time to die; a time to plant, and a time to pluck up what is planted..." Ecclesiastes 3:1-2

I woke up this morning to the first day of fall. Actually, I didn't realize fall's official arrival was today until I read a friend's Facebook post wishing everyone a Happy Autumn. And it's not like it snuck up on me. The signs have all been evident: singing cicadas, cooler nights, new shades of color on the trees, shorter evenings, and darker mornings. The girls are in school. My garden is giving up its last offerings of the year.  

Fall has always been bittersweet for me. Of all the seasons, fall most clearly signals to me the passing of another year. But why is it getting to me so much this year? Maybe it's because I turned 40 a few weeks ago. Or perhaps it's because it was Rachel started kindergarten. And Allie starting her first year of preschool likely contributed to it as well. All momentous milestones in our lives. All signs of passing time. For everything there is a season.

I must get out of this funk and rejoice fall and the beauty it possesses! Fall truly is a gift from God!  A time to delight in the marvelous sights of the changing season. A time to pluck what is planted. A time to enjoy the fruits of our labor.

Perhaps it's time to head out with my camera again. I haven't had some one on one time with it in a while. Fall is my favorite picture-taking season. So many opportunities to capture God's majesties! And the time alone with nature to reset and restore myself is priceless.

Leaves on the lilac tree in front of our house
I've got some great autumn themed activities (courtesy of Pinterest, of course!) planned for the girls that I'm excited about. Rachel has been obsessed lately with acorns, so we are going to spend some time collecting acorns and learning about the life cycle of an oak tree. We'll probably take a walk or two to collect some leaves once they start falling. We'll use the leaves for several art projects: leaf rubbing, collages, and leaf printing. I think we'll also try dipping the leaves in wax to use as fall decorations. I found this tutorial from Martha Stewart. They look lovely, don't they? I'll let you know how they turn out!

And I still have some canning to do. The pumpkins are ready to be picked, the carrots are close to being ready, and I think there will still be a few more peppers and tomatoes for salsa. I have fallen in love with canning produce this summer. It's hard (and hot!) work, but there's a sense of satisfaction when I look at all of those lovely jars sitting on the shelves in the storage room.

Time passes, and there's nothing we can do to change it. But we can do our best to live in the moment, create meaningful memories, and be thankful for God's gifts to us!

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